Monday, December 16, 2019

My Reflection of my First Year of College English

As the semester has come to an end, I have had lots of time to reflect on what I have learned about myself as a writer since the beginning of the semester. My professor Linda Norton taught a class which offered lots of opportunities for students to incorporate parts of themselves into projects. I feel the most appreciative of work which involved me reflecting on myself and my experiences. For instance, the first part of the purpose essay is a great example of an assignment where I was given the chance to reflect on myself. The project involved me speaking on things I felt passionate about in my life. Personally, I love projects where I can just speak freely about things that I find interest in which is very rare, because I am someone who is very selective with what I choose to invest my time in. I feel I have learned that I thrive most as a writer when I am given the opportunity to speak freely and with no limitations of what I can talk about. On the other hand, I would also like to mention some of my plans for the future. Ideally I am aiming towards possible transferring in a year or so to a school closer to home. While I have been living here in the bay area I did enjoy much of my time, but I find more comfort and security in being closer to home where my family and friends live. I am hoping by next semester when I take the English 216 course I can become more interested in writing and etc. I find that usually starting writing assignments I can become easily intimidated by the prompts and figuring out what I want to write about. I would like to find new ways to make this starting process easier for myself. Some ways that I may approach this issue is by doing things like outlines and etc to help formulate possible ideas in my head. I think just taking the time to even come up with the most simple topics and writing down those ideas could easily help for me to later expand on. Another part of myself as a writer that I hope to change is my tendency to do revision thoroughly. I understand that I don't always have a professor willing to encourage revision on my work, but I plan to start taking charge myself and properly rereading anything I write to make sure what I have written is always clear and explains the points I am trying to make. In conclusion, I have a lot of goals that I plan on pursuing as a writer for my next English 216 course. 

On the other hand when we spoke of student taught courses at SFSU, I was very intrigued by the concept of these classes. I was never aware of these classes, and I found a lot of the subjects being taught very diverse and unexpected. If I were given the opportunity to teach my own course, it would probably be a class about spirituality or something along those lines. The reason why I would teach a course about this is because it is something I have become very passionate about over the past few months of my life. I find the concept of it very intriguing and that there is so much to learn about it. Personally, I am someone who thinks a lot and always has a certain goal for myself to achieve whether that be physically or mentally. Spirituality can be defined as “a broad concept with room for many perspectives.” This type of topic is very important to me, because I feel it offers so much opportunity to think, reflect, and improve. I find that this topic brings me lots of happiness and interest, and a lot of other students would easily relate with me because I am almost positive that many people have the same interest. The course would probably involved reading several books and etc from other people who are considered “spiritual”. We would mostly discuss and anything and everything, because the course would ultimately offer the opportunity to talk about anything about ourselves and etc.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Learning About my Family and Background

Image result for jerez zacatecas

Recently, I conducted two interviews involving my grandmother and my mother. These interviews took place at my home in Los Angeles. Due to certain conditions, I had to contact my grandmother over the phone with the help of my mother to translate for me because I am unable to speak Spanish fluently. When I interviewed my mother I conducted the interview in my living room while my father was also in the room listening. While doing both interviews I took notes of what was said by each participant, and some quotes that I felt stuck out to me I also took note of.

On the other hand, for my research portion of the project I decided to look more into the background and history of Mexican immigrants. What inspired me to do this research was a photograph of my grandmother from several years ago. My grandmother's full name is Maria Munoz and she is currently 68 years old. She first migrated to the United States when she was 18 along with my grandfather in the hopes of having a better life. My grandmother is originally from Jerez Zacatecas in Mexico. At the moment, she is currently living in Jerez Zacatecas with my grandfather, but all her children still live in the U.S. In my research I decided to look up several different topics regarding immigrant parents and families.

For instance, the first article I came across spoke of family life for children of immigrants. Some interesting conclusions that I was able to make based on this article was how important it can be for children to have both their immigrant parents present in order to positively impact their lives. One quote in specific that justifies the conclusion I was able to make is the following; "A significant finding in this regard is that children of immigrants are more likely to live in two-parent families than their co-ethnic counterparts who have native-born parents. Not only do two parent families fare better economically than single-parent families, but also children living with both biological parents are less likely to experience a range of cognitive, emotional, and social problems that have long-term consequences for their well-being" (Landale 45). Due to the quote mentioned previously, I began to consider the idea of interviewing my mother who is a daughter of immigrant parents. I was extremely curious about the effect that a two parent household has on a child growing up with these certain struggles. Another reason for me questioning my mother, was because in the past she has always told me many stories of her childhood and in her eyes she seemed to have an almost perfect life despite any financial struggles and etc. I know from stories from my mother in the past, she mentioned how often her family would move schools and apartments, which I feel probably had to do with her financial situation. My mom has also previously told me how she and her siblings helped to contribute to the family as they got older by working jobs and paying bills for their parents. This in particular revealed to me that it was very likely that they struggled quite a bit. After interviewing my mother, I was able to get a better understanding of why she felt so fondly of her childhood. One question in particular that I asked was "How do you think having two parents present all your life made your childhood better?", and as expected, she answered by saying the following: "I think it just keeps you more grounded and you have more support when you have both parents present in your life." Which led to me thinking about all the children who unfortunately may not be in the same position and are sometimes separated from their parents due to legal status or financial issues.

Furthermore, another article that I came across included discussions about acculturation and the struggles that may come with it. One quote from the article in particular that stood out to me was the following; " Acculturation is a vitally important process to consider when discussing both life satisfaction and resilience among Latinos in the United States. Historically, it has been hypothesized that the process of acculturation is stressful and may negatively impact mental health because it forces an individual to negotiate two potentially conflicting identities (Stonequist, 1935) and integrate into a society that can be hostile to minorities (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001)" (Marsigilia 2). This topic in particular I mentioned in one of my questions which was "How did the american culture affect your culture?". My grandmothers response made me rather proud since she mentioned how she never had the desire to lose her culture, because she loves it very much. Although at times she mentioned how she struggled to be understood, it still never made her feel pressured to try to conform to the norms of the United States. Along with the question about culture, I also asked a bit about her experience with language specifically learning or attempting to speak English. She expressed how at times it did make it difficult to communicate in times that it was important for her to express her opinions or concerns.

In conclusion, I gained a lot of insight into the life of an immigrant family and it has led me to do further research into a city in Mexico which is the one my grandmother lives in. The reason I feel like doing this research is because my grandmother expressed how she found living in Mexico was less hectic, so I would like to research her hometown to gain insight on how it may be there.

Image result for spanish mexico

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Letter to My Dream Mentor: Blake Lively

Dear Mrs. Lively,

Hello, my name is Alexandra Moreno and I am currently a first year student at San Francisco State University. I began attending this school in the fall of 2019. I am originally from Southern California, but I moved here in hopes of pursing an education to further my career path. I come from a family of 6, this includes my two parents and my three siblings along with myself. Some background information about my family is that both of my parents are full Mexican, and both of them are children of immigrant parents. My parents have managed to create a successful life for themselves and their children. Furthermore, adapting to living on my own has been quite the experience, and I've found lots of help from other peers who offer me advice. The reason I am writing this letter to you Mrs. Lively is because I find you to be a very inspiring and influential female figure. I have recently been in the pursuit of seeking guidance on my journey throughout college, and I feel you are the best fit for me due to your beliefs and values which I admire a lot.
In other words, I am writing this letter in hopes of having the opportunity to interview to ask a few questions about your contributions to society. I have been very aware of your community work that you have been contributing. For instance in your work with the fight against child pornography. You have devoted a lot of your time and money to programs seeking to prevent this horrible crime, and I find this to be very selfless and thoughtful of you. One question I would probably have to ask about that would be; What led you to join in on this fight against child pornography? Some other things I recently noticed about you after doing further research included; your open mindedness too different cultures. You have shared in the past how important it is to you to educate yourself on others and their practices amongst themselves. In conclusion, there are many other qualities I admire about you, and I feel receiving an opportunity to interview you would be greatly appreciated to gain a better understanding of you as a person.

Thank You,
Alexandra Moreno.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Someone I Look up to the Most

Image result for blake lively advocacy
Someone who I happen to admire a lot would have to be Blake lively. Blake lively, is an American actress who has starred in many films, and become an advocate for many programs intended to help those facing specific struggles. I think Blake lively would be an outstanding mentor, because it is noticeable how much of a strong figure she has become and the fact that she uses her fame and influence in incredible ways. Lively has taken part in many programs fighting to give others support in situations that they are experiencing hardships in such as; child pornography, sex trafficking, and racial justice/equality. Lively was recognized in a Power of Women’s luncheon, for her work in child pornographny awareness. In order to help, she has been working alongside the Child Rescue Coalition to create technology to track the identity of those participating in these types of crimes (Blake lively is fighting child pornography: “A lot of these people are fathers”). Lively has also taken it upon herself to donate to foundations like the Social Justice Initiatives with the NAACP LDF and the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, and this money will be used in efforts to achieve racial justice along with supporting the rights of immigrant children separated from their families (Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds Gift $2M to fund Social Justice Initiatives with the NAACP LDF and the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights). Lively has continued to show how selfless she can be when it comes to topics she is passionate about. Lively was also featured in a novel titled A Path Appears by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn, which follows the journey of two writers and several celebrity figures in their journey of finding ways to become a good citizen (Blake Lively: What I Learned from Meeting Sex Trafficking Victims). In other words, although Lively may not have the ideal career I have for my future I still have lots of respect for what she does with her platform. In the future, I am hoping of following in her footsteps of using her abilities to contribute and help others. I feel like she is an inspiring person, because of how much she chooses to involve herself in world issues no matter how much other people may choose to avoid these touchy topics. Blake Lively is a strong female figure in today’s society and her influence is felt by many, therefore I feel she is the perfect mentor for many young students who share a passion to help others in need. She proves how it takes true dedication and passion to help make a difference in many people’s lives. I know if I had the opportunity to interview Blake I would ask many questions about how her life and etc, like what led her to make these choices to impact the world in such a positive way. In other words, I truly believe Blake Lively proves herself to be an amazing female figure in today's society.

Link To Blake Lively speech on Child Pornography

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What is the history behind my family?

An artifact I chose to research more about was a picture of my grandmother. I chose this picture
because my grandmother is a very influential and important person in my life. She has gone
through many struggles and has become the strong woman she is today. I feel that she gives
great advice and has always found a way to survive even in her moments of tragedy and etc.
Some questions I would have for her in an interview based on this photo would be questions
about her migration journey and living in America. This includes; What led you to migrate from
Mexico to America? Was it difficult adapting to a new culture? What struggles did you face
moving here? How was it attempting to make a living in america? #migration #acculturation
#mexico #language #struggles. To be more specific, I hope to potentially interview my
grandmother (Maria Munoz) and my mother (Herlinda Moreno) as well. The reason for this
is because I would like to get input from both the immigrant parent and the child of the immigrant.
They both face the same struggles since they are family so I think it would be great to get the
input from both sides. Some questions I would ask my mother is; Did you notice a difference in
your lifestyle due to your parents being immigrants? How have you identified with your culture
since you grew up in America? Was it difficult having to learn two languages in order to
communicate with your family and peers?